
Wolf Welcome Committee promotes understanding and appreciation of wolves through education, advocacy & co-existence projects.



Wolf Welcome Committee realizes that understanding wolves is critical to their acceptance. To that end; we initiate public conversations through local media channels, conduct interviews with wolf specialists, present authors and storytellers who focus on wolves and participate in conferences and workshops that promote co-existence. There are already many other organizations doing wonderful work with wolves. Please see our Resources page for links to other sources.


Our organization knows that, in order for wolves to thrive they need robust habitats to function within. We live in a modern world where natural ecosystems have been severely impacted by humans. Resource extraction, development and recreation all affect wildlands and, tangentially, wolves and their prey. Wolf Welcome Committee participates in agency public comment processes and, when necessary, will oppose plans that adversely impact wildlife.


As wolves return to Central Oregon they, inevitably, will interact with livestock. Wolf Welcome Committee, enthusiastically promotes proactive, non-lethal protections. We acknowledge the adverse impact that wolves can have on the ranching community and support them in finding ways to co-exist with wolves and other predators. One of our core members, Donna Harris, is currently on the Deschutes County Wolf Depredation and Financial Assistance Committee. We aim to help provide a bridge between ODF&W and the ranchers who are affected by wolf activity.