Wolf Welcome Committee

We envision a time when wolves are fully recovered in Central Oregon. Our goal is to create a landscape of peaceful co-existence where wolves are accepted by their human neighbors. Through education we aim to enhance respect, appreciation and tolerance for wolves. Our advocacy work focuses on the rewilding and preservation of Central Oregon’s wildlife habitats and the use of non-lethal protections for livestock.




The Wolf Welcome Committee is always looking for ways to promote the understanding and appreciation of Wolves in the Metolius.

Wolves Have Arrived

People were fascinated by the wanderings of famous OR-7 as he traveled thru Northeast Oregon (2011) and then into California and back, finally settling in the Rogue Valley (2013) and starting his own family. Now, as of the 2022 wolf census, there is confirmation of: a pair of grey wolves living near Camp Sherman, a pack of wolves in Southern Deschutes County, and two packs on the Warms Springs Reservation.

We are considering what having wolves this close means to the people who live, recreate and ranch within the Metolius wolves’ range and the impacts that humans may have on these apex predators. How can we learn to coexist?

The Great Outdoors

Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

Blog by Story Warren, entitled Responsibly Sharing our Trails with Returning Gray Wolves2


• Keep dogs leashed and under control. If you live in wolf country, it's best not to let your dogs out unsupervised, especially at night. It's well worth the safety of our pups and wildlife.

• Be aware of your surroundings: pay attention to things like wind direction and the presence of animal tracks and sign.

• Follow “bear aware” steps for securing garbage and food around your home, campsites, and trailheads.

• Carry bear spray, keep it accessible on your person, and know how to use it correctly.

• If you live in near or in forested areas, please feed pets indoors. Never leave food outside.

• Stay 100 yards away from a wolf.


• Don’t feed wolves or other wildlife. Deer and small mammals can attract wolves, cougars, and bears. Wolves who are fed by humans can become habituated, and more dangerous to humans.

• Don't approach wildlife.

• If you hunt or hike with dogs, avoid known areas of wolf activity (AKWA’s).

• Don't seek out wolf locations.

Cinder Pits Sisters Oregon

A Positive Influence

The Wolf Welcome Committee was founded in order to positively influence public opinion about wolves and to create an accepting environment as they re-establish in Central Oregon. Now that they are here, we have the unprecedented opportunity to be ambassadors for our new neighbors.

But, with our enthusiasm comes caution. ODF&W’s Annual Wolf Report stated that at least 21 wolves were killed by humans in 2021 and 20 in 2022. Wolves are safest when they avoid roads, livestock and humans – in general. To this end, Wolf Welcome Committee promotes non lethal deterrents and the preservation of wild lands.

Sisters Farmers Market
Environmental Center Earth Day Parade - Bend
Rosanne Paary, author, at Paulina Springs Bookstore - Sisters'

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